VBS 2024: Scuba

August 4-8, 2024
5:30-7:45 PM

Please follow the link below to sign up to attend or volunteer at St. Paul's Vacation Bible School this summer!
Sign Up Here

Barnabas Buddies

Consider being a mentor to one of our confirmation students this year! Follow the link below to learn more and sign up to be assigned a student to lift up and encourage over the 2024-2025 school year.
Sign Up Here

Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser

Sign up to move the flamingos here!
Sign Up Here

Acolyte and PowerPoint Summer 2024

Acolyte and power point schedule for youth, June-August 2024

Download "Acolyte PowerPoint 2024 Summer.pdf"

Guide to Youth Acronyms

Youth Activities

Year Round:
Jr. SPY: 5th-8th Grade

Sr. SPY: High School


JAM: Ages 3 - 8th Grade
Sundays, 10:15am

Confirmation Class: 6th-8th Grade
Wednesdays, 6pm; Jr. SPY after at 7:15pm

Youth groups also participate in various service projects, summer mission trips, and attend the LCMS National Youth Gathering.