Youth Activities

Year Round:
Jr. SPY: 5th-8th Grade

Sr. SPY: High School


JAM: Ages 3 - 8th Grade
Sundays, 10:15am

Confirmation Class: 6th-8th Grade
Wednesdays, 6pm; Jr. SPY after at 7:15pm

Youth groups also participate in various service projects, summer mission trips, and attend the LCMS National Youth Gathering.

Remind App Signups

The Youth programs and JAM will be using the Remind app for communication this fall. This app allows us to text large groups very easily and we will utilize it to send reminders about upcoming events and activities as well as updates about class cancellations or weather. Please follow the instructions below to sign up for Remind!
1. Open a new text message.
2. Type 81010 in the recipient box.
3. In the message type the appropriate code for the group you are
signing up for:
JAM: -----------------@stpaul23
Confirmation: ----@bible24
Jr. SPY: -------------@jrspy24
Sr. SPY: ------------@srspy24
If I am signing up for confirmation I will text @bible24 to 81010.